
Via Fabiola 9


Via Milano 21

327 1899812

Alessandro Romagnoli Photographer

Alessandro Romagnoli Photo

Communicate something through two different ways. In the first way a photographer (Alessandro Romagnoli) that catches in his camera a moment in life. On the other way a company that presents his works on the web in a creative manner and (obviously) different from the classic photo website.

The idea was so inspirating and the objective was reached in a couple of weeks. Realize a photographer’s website without having the idea of “photographer’s website”. So we created something new, something dark and in black and white (to emphasize the photos of the author), choose particular solutions to put every pic at the centre of every page. Specifically, we did:

  • A responsive gallery for every project;
  • Dynamic loading of the images that appears while scrolling down (lighter loading time);
  • The possibility to share every single photo directly on the social pages of the author;

Everything was tailored to give importance to Alessandro Romagnoli as a Photographer. Do you need something similar? Contact us now.

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Project Info

Customer: Alessandro Romagnoli Photo

What we used: Wordpress + Tema personalizzato


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